Are you feeling excited, or just harassed?
There are only four days to go until Christmas Day and I am excited!
It's not just that there is snow on the ground, or that I have been busy sending Christmas Cards to my friends. It's not just there is a Christmas Tree decorated in our lounge, or that we are planning to give presents to each other.
It's the worship celebrations that I am looking forward to the most. God is so awesome. He creates and sustains the whole Universe. He gives life to the tiniest creature. He becomes one of those tiny creatures to show how much he loves them all.
It's great to gather together with other folk to sing songs to Jesus, our wonderful God. When we are lonely - he comforts us. When we are sad - he reminds us of his gifts. When we are confused, or lacking in direction or purpose - he gives us guidance. When life is dark - he shines his light. When our heart is cold and hard - he fills us with his warmth and love.
Don't let yourself get harassed by worries about cards, or gifts, or a tree, or food. Remember what Christmas is all about - celebrating the love of God in the gift of Jesus, baby, man, and God.
This Christmas-time - let Jesus into your heart. Make a space for him in your life. Ask him to be with you, to lead you, to guide you, to help you. With Jesus you can be more than are without him. Together you can do it.
My wife Liz put her graphic talents to good use and drew our card this year.
Merry Christmas to you, from me, and from my family too.
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