The expression 'Once in a Blue Moon' refers to something that never happens, or hardly ever happens. My photo above of the moon surrounded by the blue sky may be the nearest I'll get to photographing a Blue Moon!
On the other hand, the tide sweeps in and out twice a day, in an approximately 25-hour cycle. We can depend on that regularity, even if we don't understand it!
It must have taken a long time for folk to figure out what makes the tides happen. Without the Moon there would be no tides. The Moon goes round the Earth once every 27.3 days. So why are there 2 tidal cycles every day?
It's too complicated an answer to describe here. I am sure there are plenty of web sites that have a much better answer than I could construct. But the tide table below shows that diurnal rise and fall of the tide at my local port of Rosyth. I hope the Crown won't mind me using that image as an example.

Sometimes our enthusiasm for Christmas goes up and down too. We can be burdened down by other people's expectations. We can be irritated by the sideshows that have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. We can forget that God even came, and not know that He is here with us.
On Christmas Day itself, enthusiasm is high - like a tidal flood! During this time of Advent, we look towards Christmas. We consider the meaning at the centre of Christmas that gives the reason for the season. We rejoice - even if only for one the day itself.
God came amongst us. He came down, 'falling' to Earth to live the life of a man, and 'rising' again to reign with his Parent and the Spirit.
Don't let the customs, traditions, and commerciality, of the Christmas Season weigh you down. Rise up and celebrate the birth of God, our King, our Saviour, our Lord.
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